Track Location App

Nowadays sometimes we have to track the location of our close family members or friends, so that we can know where they are at this time. A very good solution for this is an app named Track Location App. Today we will do a detailed review of this app and know how this app works and how helpful it can be.

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What is Track Location By Phone Number App?

Track Location By Phone Number is a unique app that gets installed on your smartphone and gets connected to WhatsApp. The specialty of this app is that when you send a specific message on WhatsApp, then this app automatically shares the real-time location in the WhatsApp chat.

This means that if you want to track someone’s location, then this app should be installed on their phone as well and GPS should be on in both the devices.

How does this app work?

The way Find Location By Phone Number App works is a little different. This app does not track the location of any number directly. Its process is something like this:

  • First of all, the app has to be installed on the device whose location is to be tracked.
  • After that the app is connected to WhatsApp.
  • A specific message is set in the app, which works as a trigger.
  • Whenever you send this specific message on WhatsApp, the app automatically tracks the current location of that device via GPS and sends the location text in reply.
  • This location is visible only in WhatsApp chat, not in any other app.

How to use Track Location App?

Using this app is quite easy. You just have to follow a few simple steps:

  1. Download and install the app: First of all install the app on the device whose location is to be tracked.
  2. Settings: Open the app and set a specific message there.
  3. Connect to WhatsApp: Send this specific message in WhatsApp chat from your phone.
  4. GPS Location Reply: If everything is set correctly and GPS is on, you will get a text reply of the location within a few seconds.

What to pay attention to before using Track Location App?

  • This app will work only when this app is installed on both devices.
  • It is very important to take permission before tracking someone’s location.
  • Using GPS location can drain the phone’s battery quickly.
  • This app should only be used to track the location of family and friends.

Is this app really safe?

Find Location By Phone Number App only works when both users install this app and give permission to each other. That’s why this app is privacy friendly. But tracking someone’s location without permission can be wrong and it is against Google and privacy laws.

Pros and Cons of this app


  • Easy to use
  • Real-time Location Tracking
  • Share location via WhatsApp
  • Privacy Friendly (with permission)


  • It is necessary to have the app installed on both devices
  • Battery consumption can be high
  • Gives only text location, no map link


If you want to track the location of your family members or friends and that too with their permission, then Find Location By Phone Number App can be a good option. This app is simple and shares location via WhatsApp. But tracking someone’s location without permission is illegal and unethical.

Therefore, use this app only for the safety purpose of family and friends. If you want a location tracking app while keeping privacy and security in mind, then this app can be a good option.

This was a detailed review of Find Location By Phone Number App. If you liked this post, then definitely give your opinion in the comment below.

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I am Ganesh Sonune, an experienced Tech Writer with over 5 years of expertise in the industry. Passionate about exploring the latest innovations, I love sharing in-depth insights on gadgets, apps, and technology trends to keep readers informed and ahead in the digital world.


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